What do Naomi's acquaintances from high school have to say about her?
Have any of Naomi's neighbors noticed anything unusual lately?
What does Ms. Fogarty know about her co-worker Joey Sims?
Could Ms. Starks help the Kudzu Kids understand more about Ms. Rickard and her missing dog?
A few people have mentioned that the Youngs might have information that could help the Kudzu Kids.
What and who did Mr. and Mrs. Young's security camera capture lurking around their yard?
Kudzu Kid Zach captured some frames from the Youngs' security video to get a closer look.
The Kudzu Kids asked Dr. Lamar for advice on some evidence they collected recently.
Following up on a clue led the Kudzu Kids to Mr. Reynolds.
Following Dr. Lamar's advice, the Kudzu Kids went looking for a possible footprint suggested by the security video.